Retrieves the state that corresponds to the block number and returns a list of accounts (including storage and code).
NOTE: This function correctly returns the state for a few latest, currently 4, block numbers. Retrieving older block state is restricted depending on the value set for the command-line option --state.block-interval (default: 128). This means that the function performs the state retrieval against only the block numbers that are multiples of state.block-interval. For example, when state.block-interval is 128, this function returns the state for the block numbers "0x0", "0x80", "0x100", "0x180", and so on. If the block number is not a multiple of state.block-interval, it returns 'missing trie node' error.
Máy khách
Gọi phương pháp
Bảng điều khiển
{"method": "debug_dumpBlock", "params": [number]}
Mô tả
số khối hoặc hàm băm
NOTE: In versions earlier than Klaytn v1.7.0, only hex string type is available.
Return Value
Mô tả
Chuỗi JSON
Thông tin khối.
>debug.dumpBlock("0x80"){ tài khoảns: {0000000000000000000000000000000000000035: { balance:"12800000000000000000", code: "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",
codeHash:"62b00472fac99d94ccc52f5addac43d54c129cd2c6d2357c9557abea67efdec5", nonce:0, root:"56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421", storage: {} },/...(skipped).../ codeHash:"3f34b5d7038ae652086ba4847ede2668b26a50107c5258d1412f764b942e2661", nonce:1, root:"56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421", storage: {} } }, root:"70383c826d1161ec2f12d799023317d8da7775dd47b8502d2d7ef646d094d3a5"}>debug.dumpBlock("0x81")Error: missing trie node a573119868e0898fe5526732a079dd713c005fcbcce38dec5cae75af0378e4d3 (path ) at web3.js:3239:20 at web3.js:6447:15 at web3.js:5181:36 at <anonymous>:1:1
Returns all accounts that have changed between the two blocks specified by their block hashes. Changes made in endBlockHash are included, but changes made in startBlockHash are not. If endBlockHash is not given, it returns the accounts modified in the startBlockHash. A change is defined as a difference in nonce, balance, code hash, or storage hash.
Returns all accounts that have changed between the two blocks specified by their block numbers. Changes made in endBlockNum are included, but changes made in startBlockNum are not. If endBlockNum is not given, it returns the accounts modified in the startBlockNum. A change is defined as a difference in nonce, balance, code hash, or storage hash.
The startWarmUp iterates the latest state trie to warm-up the trie cache. The iteration will be automatically stopped if 90% of the trie cache is full. The method returns an error if it fails in starting a warm-up, or null if it successfully has started it.
Máy khách
Gọi phương pháp
Bảng điều khiển
{"method": "debug_startWarmUp"}
Return Value
Mô tả
null nếu quá trình khởi động đã được bắt đầu hoặc báo lỗi nếu ngược lại.
The startContractWarmUp iterates the latest storage trie of the given contract address to warm-up the trie cache. The iteration will be automatically stopped if 90% of the trie cache is full. The method returns an error if it fails in starting a warm-up or the given address is not a contract address, or null if it successfully has started it.
The stopWarmUp stops the currently running warm-up. This method takes no parameters, and returns null or an error depending on a warm-up was stopped or not.
Máy khách
Gọi phương pháp
Bảng điều khiển
{"method": "stopWarmUp"}
Return Value
Mô tả
null nếu quá trình khởi động bị dừng hoặc báo lỗi nếu ngược lại.
The startCollectingTrieStats iterates the latest state or storage trie to collect trie statistics. It collects storage trie statistics of the contract in the given address. If an empty address(="0x00...00") is given, it collects statistics of the whole state trie. Statistics will be logged every minute before end, containing overall and depth-by-depth information. The method returns an error if it fails in starting a task, or null if it successfully has started it.
null nếu tác vụ thu thập số liệu thống kê trie đã được bắt đầu hoặc báo lỗi nếu ngược lại.
// địa chỉ trống để thu thập số liệu thống kê toàn bộ trie trạng thái>debug.startCollectingTrieStats("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000")null// địa chỉ hợp đồng để thu thập số liệu thống kê trie lưu trữ>debug.startCollectingTrieStats("0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b")null
INFO[03/10,12:03:12 +09] [5] Started collecting trie statistics blockNum=1491072 root=0x64af12b6374b92f6db457fa1b98fe9522d9f36ba352e3c4e01cdb75f001e8264 len(children)=16
INFO[03/10,12:03:12 +09] [5] Finished collecting trie statistics elapsed=95.152412ms numNodes=133036 numLeafNodes=95948 maxDepth=9
INFO[03/10,12:03:12 +09] [5] number of leaf nodes in a depth depth=5 numNodes=22098
INFO[03/10,12:03:12 +09] [5] number of leaf nodes in a depth depth=6 numNodes=65309
INFO[03/10,12:03:12 +09] [5] number of leaf nodes in a depth depth=7 numNodes=8083
INFO[03/10,12:03:12 +09] [5] number of leaf nodes in a depth depth=8 numNodes=456
INFO[03/10,12:03:12 +09] [5] number of leaf nodes in a depth depth=9 numNodes=2