Ghi bản ghi hoạt động

Định cấu hình Quay vòng bản ghi

You can enable the log rotation by setting the --log.rotate flag, and configure the log rotation settings by the following flags.

  • --log.rotate: By setting this flag, it enables the log rotation and applies the other log rotation options

  • --log.maxsize: Specifies the file size in MB that triggers backup file creation

  • --log.maxbackups: Determines the maximum number of backup files that can be stored. Once this limit is reached, older logs will be deleted.

  • --log.maxage: Represents the maximum number of days to retain a log file. For example, if set to 30, a backup file will be deleted after 30 days.

  • --log.compress: By setting this flag, it compresses the backup logs in gz format.


./bin/ken ... --log.rotate --log.maxsize 100 --log.maxbackups 10 --log.maxage 30 --log.compress

You can also enable and configure the log rotation by setting following options in configuration file (e.g., kend.conf).

# log rotation related options
LOG_ROTATE=1 # setting 1 to enable the log rotation related options
LOG_MAXSIZE=100 # the unit is MB
LOG_MAXAGE=30 # maximum number of days to retain a log file
LOG_COMPRESS=1 # setting 1 to compress the backup logs in gz format

It is recommended to download and use the package which version is v1.11.0 or higher. You can download it in Binaries section of the release note(e.g., v1.11.0 release note). Make sure next three files are v1.11.0 or higher: configuration file, daemon, and binary. Otherwise, it won't work.

Trạng thái bản ghi thông thường

Không phải người đề xuất Inserted a new block

Ghi bản ghi thay đổi cấp độ (0~5)

Chuyển đến Bảng điều khiển Klaytn

#default Value
> debug.verbosity(3)
# hight detail nhật ký Value
> debug.verbosity(5)
# No Logs Value
> debug.verbosity(0)

# Default Value for Blockchain log
> debug.vmodule("blockchain=3")
# High detail Value for Blockchain Log
> debug.vmodule("blockchain=5")

Last updated